First Aid Level 1

Duration: 2 days 08h00 to 16h00 (1 hour lunch)
Summary: A modular course for employees who are appointed as basic first aiders within their workplace, so as to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The course is based on international emergency scene management standards in accordance with the latest protocols.
Legal compliance applicable: General Safety Regulation clause 3 advises that employers must take reasonable steps to provide prompt first aid treatment at the workplace.
Accreditation: Our first aid is accredited to train advanced first responder stage, level 3 and we carry CETA accreditation for unit standards 254220 Provide first aid as an advanced first responder. Approved by the Chief Inspector Department of Labour, CI No. 575 in terms of Chief Inspector notice G1463 of 2017, issued in December 2017. The first aid training is also compliant with the DMR Mandatory Code of Practice for risk-based emergency care on a mine (July 2016).
Content: Modules:

  1. Introduction to First Aid
  2. The Scene Survey – Emergency Scene Management
  3. The Primary Survey – Emergency Scene Management
  4. CAB – Emergency Scene Management
  5. Secondary Survey – Emergency Scene Management
  6. Shock Identification and Treatment
  7. Bleeding Wounds
  8. Fractures
  9. Burns , Respiratory Emergencies
  10. First Aid Facilities , Kits and Accident Reporting
  11. Electrical Shock.
Entry requirements: ABET level 4 (Basic reading, writing and arithmetic). Method of instruction and training materials are in English. In certain circumstances alternative languages will be catered for, but only by prior arrangement.
Min/max number of learners Minimum: 8 learners per course
Maximum: 20 learners per course
Who Should Attend: All employees who are tasked or appointed as first aiders at their place of work. Any person who would like to attain basic first aid skills. Care givers, teachers, events security and related personnel.